Developing Mobile Applications for iOS with Swift Training

About the Training


The Developing Mobile Applications for iOS with Swift Training teaches participants how to use the Swift programming language and Apple’s Xcode integrated development environment (IDE) to develop iOS applications. This training covers essential topics that participants will need throughout the iOS app development process.

The training begins with the fundamental structures of the Swift language, including data types, functions, control structures, object-oriented programming (OOP) principles, debugging, and other core concepts. Participants will develop their Swift coding skills through examples and projects.

Additionally, the course teaches how to use Apple’s Xcode development environment for creating iOS applications. Participants will learn about Xcode’s user interface, build processes, debugging tools, and other features. They will also explore the core features of the iOS SDK, which provides the tools needed to develop applications for various iOS platforms.

The Developing Mobile Applications for iOS with Swift Training covers the entire iOS app development process. Participants gain the essential skills needed to start developing applications for iOS platforms. The training uses examples, hands-on exercises, and projects to help participants begin their journey into iOS app development.

The program starts with the fundamentals of the Swift programming language. Participants learn basic programming concepts such as variables, data types, operators, loops, and control flow. Detailed lessons on object-oriented programming principles in Swift, including classes, objects, and methods, provide a solid foundation for the iOS app development process.

The training emphasizes the core features and libraries of the iOS SDK, giving participants the ability to leverage the various capabilities and services of the iOS platform. Topics include creating user interfaces (UI), working with documents and data, making network requests and processing responses, and utilizing device features like the camera and GPS.

Finally, the course covers how to upload and publish an application on the App Store. This process includes final testing, creating the app’s listing and metadata, and ultimately submitting the app. These skills ensure that participants can successfully publish their applications on the App Store.

What Will You Learn?

This training is designed for developers with beginner-level programming experience, enabling them to quickly develop applications for iPhone/iPad. Throughout the course, participants will learn how to develop iPhone/iPad applications using the Swift language, join the Apple Developer Program, install developed applications on iPhone and iPad devices, and market their applications through the App Store.


There are no prerequisites for this training.

Who Should Attend?

Having a basic understanding of programming and familiarity with application development algorithms is sufficient. This training also serves as a suitable introduction to programming for beginners.


IOS Development
  • A bit of history
  • iOS Architecture
  • Cocoa Framework
  • Xcode overview
  • Anatomy of an iOS Application
Swift 101
  • Data Types and Optionals
  • Operators
  • Control Flow
  • Functions and Parameters
  • Closures
Swift 102
  • Classes and Encapsulation
  • Initializers
  • Defining Properties and Methods
  • Setting up Inheritance
  • Protocols & Delegates
  • Generics
  • Defining Categories
Views and View Controllers
  • Views
  • View Controllers under the hood
  • Introduction to Interface Builder
  • Defining Storyboards Scenes and Segues
  • Navigating between scenes
  • Handling memory warnings
Understanding Table Views
  • Understanding Table Views
  • Static and Dynamic Table Views
  • Designing custom table cells
  • Handling delegate events in a table view
  • Introduction to Collection Views
Extending the User Interface
  • Autolayout
  • Size Classes
  • Dynamic Type
  • Working with the UI Controls
  • Dealing with Date/Time
  • Unwind Segues
  • Gesture Recognizers
Universal Adaptive Apps
  • Universal Apps
  • Using the Split View Controller with iPad and iPhone
  • Popover Presentation Controllers
  • Modal View Controllers
Working with local Data
  • Creating and accessing files
  • Storing user preferences
  • Storing data in the keychain
  • Storing and retrieving data from a SQLite database
Core Data
  • Configuring, accessing and querying Core Data
  • Adding, Updating and deleting Core Data
  • Core Data and iCloud
Asynchronous Programming
  • Making the UI more responsive with asynchronous queues
  • Dispatch Queues and Grand Central Dispatch
  • Operation Queues
  • Using animation to create compelling user interfaces
  • Basic UIView animations
  • Introduction to UIKit Dynamics
Accessing Cloud Services
  • Sending/Retrieving data from the Cloud
  • Processing JSON Data
  • Processing XML
Location Services and Notifications
  • Receiving and managing location notifications
  • Beacons
  • Using Notification Center to observe and publish notifications
  • Local and Push Notifications
  • Working with Background Mode
  • Using Background fetch
Profiling and Analysing code
  • Analyzing your code
  • Profiling your code

Training Request Form

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